Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio (DTP) and Meningitis ACWY Vaccination 2024/25

Your child is now due their booster 3-in-1 Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) vaccination and their Meningitis ACWY vaccination. Please read the important information below. Measles Mumps and Rubella (MMR) is also offered to those who have not had two doses in childhood.

All children need five doses of diphtheria, tetanus and polio vaccines to build up and maintain immunity. The fifth dose is due now. These vaccines are offered in Year 9. If your child has missed these vaccines and are still in high school we can offer the vaccines now.

Read more about the DTP vaccine.

Meningitis ACWY is not routinely given until Year 9 in school. Most children will have received an earlier dose of Meningitis C (not ACWY). This vaccination provides additional protection against the strains A, W & Y that are most commonly seen in this age group.

Read more about the Meningitis ACWY vaccine.

In some cases, your child may have received the Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio vaccine by a GP or in Accident and Emergency following an injury like an animal bite.

The Meningitis ACWY vaccination in some cases may have already been given as a travel vaccine by the GP or travel clinic.

Please therefore check if your child has had either of these vaccines over the age of 10 years, and let us know if they have.

Please complete this consent form even if you decide you do not want to vaccinate your child. Completion of a consent form is not mandatory; however, in line with good record-keeping guidance, we would like to keep a record of declined consents so that you will not be contacted again during this particular immunisation programme.

If you have any questions read our FAQs below.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our most frequently asked questions.

  • General
  • DTP
  • Meningitis ACWY
  • Technical
  • Can I take my child to the GP for their vaccination?

    Generally all school aged vaccinations are provided by the school immunisation team. The GP’s can vaccinate in certain circumstances, but usually only if the child has missed their vaccinations after the school year it was due.

    Occasionally, the team may request that vaccinations are given by the GP if it is thought to be more suitable.

  • What happens if I have missed the 'consent cut off date' but still want my child to be vaccinated?

    Whenever possible the team will provide a second vaccination opportunity, either in school or a community clinic. Please contact the team directly for further information.

  • What if I change my mind about my child having their vaccination after I have submitted consent?

    It is important that you contact the Immunisation Team immediately and speak to a member of staff. We also advise that you contact the school if the vaccination session is planned within the next 72 hours .

  • What if my child does not attend school?

    The team will be happy to see your child in one of our community clinics. Please contact the team to discuss your requirements.

  • What if my child has a medical condition?

    There are very few children that cannot receive their vaccinations.

    However, if your child has a medical condition, it is possible that we will ask you or your child’s GP or consultant for further information to ensure it is safe for them to receive the vaccination at the current time.

  • What if my child is unwell following their vaccination?

    All vaccines can cause side effects but studies suggest they are generally mild and soon settle. Some people may experience: Nasal Flu vaccine side effects:

    • Headache
    • Runny nose.

      Injectable Vaccine side effects:

    • Swelling
    • Redness
    • Tenderness
    • Development of a small lump at the injection site
    • Feeling or being sick
    • Headaches
    • Tiredness.

      If you are worried about your child you can telephone 111 for non-urgent medical advice or contact your GP practice. In an emergency please telephone 999. Further advice can be found at: www.nhs.uk.
      Call 111 for non-urgent medical advice and 999 in an emergency.
      Our team report any post-vaccination side effects that we are aware of, so please contact the Immunisation Team if you feel that we need to report any reactions experienced by your child.

  • What if my child is unwell on the day of the vaccination?

    Vaccinations can safely be given as long as the child is not systemically unwell.

    If your child is not well enough to attend school, then our team will make arrangements to see them next time we visit. Generally if they are well enough to be in school, they are usually well enough to be vaccinated.

    However, if your child is recovering from a chronic illness or recent infection, the nurse may decide to defer the vaccination until they are fully recovered. This is to ensure that any subsequent changes in their health are not wrongly attributed to the vaccination.

  • Where can I find out more information about vaccinations?

    You can find further information on the NHS choices website.

    Alternatively, you can speak to your GP, practice nurse or a member of the immunisation team.

  • Why do you need previous vaccination dates?

    We only ask for this information if it is needed to ensure the correct intervals between vaccinations. Please note that we do not have access to your child’s GP records, so we may not be aware of their previous vaccination date unless you advise us.

  • How safe is the 3-in-1 booster vaccine?

    The 3-in-1 teenage booster is a very safe vaccine. As with all vaccines, some people may have minor side effects, such as swelling, redness or tenderness where the injection is given. Sometimes a small painless lump develops, but it usually disappears in a few weeks. The brand name of the 3-in-1 teenage booster vaccine given in the UK is Revaxis®.

  • What if my child has already received this vaccination elsewhere?

    In some cases, your child may have already received some of the vaccines we deliver as part of the programme. For example, the Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio vaccine can be given by a GP or in Accident and Emergency following an injury like an animal bite and the Meningitis vaccine may have been given as a travel vaccine.

    Please check if your child has had these vaccines over the age of 10 years, and let us know if they have.

  • What is Diphtheria?

    Diphtheria is a serious disease that usually begins with a sore throat and can quickly cause breathing problems. It can damage the heart and nervous system, and in severe cases, it can kill.

  • What is Polio?

    Polio is a virus that attacks the nervous system which can cause permanent paralysis of muscles. If it affects the chest muscles or the brain, polio can kill.

  • What is Tetanus?

    Tetanus is a painful disease affecting the nervous system which can lead to muscle spasms, cause breathing problems and can kill. It is caused when germs found in the soil and manure get into the body through open cuts or burns. Tetanus cannot be passed from person to person.

  • Why do you need previous vaccination dates?

    We only ask for this information if it is needed to ensure the correct intervals between vaccinations. Please note that we do not have access to your child’s GP records, so we may not be aware of their previous vaccination date unless you advise us.

  • Why is my child being offered the DTP 3 in 1 booster?

    The 3-in-1 teenage booster is offered to all young people at approximately 14 years old, as part of the national immunisation programme.

    It's routinely given at secondary school (in school year 9) at the same time as the Meningitis ACWY vaccine. Children will usually have received 3 doses as a baby, a further 4th dose before starting school and this fifth dose to complete the course. The fifth dose boosts immunity into adulthood.

  • Does Men ACWY vaccine have any side-effects?

    Like all vaccines, the Men ACWY vaccine can cause side effects, but they are generally mild and soon settle down.

    The most common side effects seen in teenagers and young people are redness, hardening and itching at the injection site, fever, headache, nausea and fatigue. These symptoms should last no more than 24 hours. Sometimes, a small, painless lump develops, but this usually disappears in a few weeks.

  • What is Meningitis?

    The Meningitis ACWY vaccination helps to protect your child against four types of meningococcal bacteria (groups A, C, W and Y) that can cause meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain) and septicaemia (blood poisoning). These diseases are very serious and can kill, especially if not diagnosed early.

  • Why do you need previous vaccination dates?

    We only ask for this information if it is needed to ensure the correct intervals between vaccinations. Please note that we do not have access to your child’s GP records, so we may not be aware of their previous vaccination date unless you advise us.

  • Why should teenagers have the Men ACWY vaccination?

    Cases of meningitis and blood poisoning (septicaemia) caused by a highly virulent strain of Men W bacteria have been rising since 2009.

    Older teenagers are at higher risk of infection because many of them mix closely with lots of new people, some of whom may unknowingly carry the meningococcal bacteria at the back of their noses and throats. Anyone who is eligible for the Men ACWY vaccine should have it, even if they've previously had the Men C vaccine.

    The Men ACWY vaccine is highly effective in preventing illness caused by the four meningococcal strains, including the highly virulent Men W strain.

  • Do I get a copy of my consent form?

    Once you have submitted the consent you will receive an email to let you know we have received it. Please check your spam/junk folder if you don't receive it.

  • How do I raise a technical support request?

    Please email us on support@riviam.zendesk.com. Please don't put any personal details in as this email is not for clinical issues.

  • What if I require the information in a different format?

    Please contact the immunisation team who will be able to assist.

Get to know the South London Children and Young People's Community Immunisation Service (CYPCIS)

South London Children and Young People’s Community Immunisation Service is delivered by Kingston and Richmond NHS Foundation Trust. The children and young people’s immunisation teams are based across south London, in Bexley, Bromley, Croydon, Greenwich, Kingston, Lambeth, Lewisham, Merton, Richmond, Southwark, Sutton, and Wandsworth.

Kingston and Richmond NHS Foundation Trust is the result of a merger in November 2024 between Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare (HRCH) and Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, following several years of close partnership working and shared leadership.

Every day our teams provide high-quality healthcare in people’s homes, community clinics, schools, and in our two hospitals – Kingston Hospital and Teddington Memorial Hospital.

We help people to stay well in the community, manage their own health with the right support and avoid unnecessary stays in hospital.

For more information about these services please go to our website. www.kingstonandrichmond.nhs.uk

Please see NHS vaccinations and when to have them - NHS for information about vaccinations for all age groups.

Get in touch for more answers

If you still have questions about our service or immunisations, please get in touch with us using the information below

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